SEBA Bank granted the first Swiss digital asset custody license
SEBA Bank AG, a fully regulated Swiss-based institution with a focus on the offering of digital cryptocurrency assets, has today announced the approval of a CISA license from the Swiss Financial Market Authority, or FINMA, to facilitate an institutional-grade custodian service for nation-native collective investment schemes. This announcement enables the bank to become Switzerland’s, and indeed one of the world’s first, digital asset centric banks to gain a custody license. The endorsement will allow the institution to provide greater investment opportunities to professional clientele in the emerging cryptocurrency markets. Founded in mid-2018 advocating a philosophy of next-generation digital banking, the firm soon rose to prominence as a pioneer in the regulated digital asset sector. One year later in August 2019, the bank attained its banking and securities firm licence which introduced their SEBAwallet app, e-banking service and SEBA card to market, supporting five major cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin and Ethereum.